Home Sweet Keyless Entry: Using Unikey

According to Unikey, where there isn’t a key- there is a way. The fresh off of Shark Tank gadget was voted a Top 100 Best New Home Products by This Old House and is floating into the leading home stores, Lowe’s and Home Depot to name a few. Even Amazon.com.  App savvy consumers can simply download the free KEVO app to  their smart phones, purchase the UniKey, which comes with the lock and key fob, and wave goodbye to the days of struggling to balance briefcases, grocery bags, and children in their arms while opening the front door.

While UniKey is not a home security system, it certainly provides a sense of security. Most people are out of the house for the majority of any given day, but with a slew of contractors, house cleaners, and dog walkers strolling through their entryways on a daily basis need to leave keys or run home to let these visitors in. With UniKey you can forget making keys, leaving instructions for your garage opener keypad, or worrying about lost and misplaced keys at the end of a busy day. Although you will want to keep your key Fob handy, you don’t have to rely on leaving extras hidden under the doormat anymore, and more importantly, all you need to do is tap the lock on your door for entrance….while your fob’s in your pocket or purse. Much like the popular keyless ignitions to hit the auto market a few years ago, all you need to do is click, tap, and you’re on your way! So here’s the 3 steps of UniKey…. we can’t get enough of this “home hack!”



1. Download KEVO


Once you download the KEVO app to your smart phone, you can micromanage entry into your home. From sending ekeys to visitors, cleaners, or babysitters to controlling your users-  as long as you have your iPhone on you, you can do it! The app also sends push notifications when your ekeys are used for entry- so you’ll know when visitors are in your house, and when they leave. No, this isn’t meant for spying….but it doesn’t hurt to have the assurance of knowing when your house is unlocked and locked up!

2. Purchase UniKey and install on your front door! 


Again, UniKey bears a striking resemblance to the keyless ignitions on most new vehicles past 2010. As you juggle your grocery bags, mail, and briefcase..simply tap your lock and be welcomed home.

3. Because you’ve got one hand on your door and your Fob is in your pocket..


Your trusty Fob is like a home hack, skimming moments off of your valuable time and taking the steps of having a spare key!  Of course, you should have your fob on you, considering it will probably be on your set of car keys. Don’t lose your keys completely- there isn’t an app for that…yet! As keyless entries go, the concept of a physical “key” has not yet been eliminated from even the newest technology. So keep your fob, and use it too. But say you do lose it, you can use the ekey code until you find it again.


UniKey is approximately $220 on Amazon, Best Buy, And Lowes.